Last night's weigh-in....
I lost 1.5 pounds over Christmas! Not bad! I was just hoping to break even! I'm now down 48.5 pounds total!
Apparently forgot to update last Thursday's weigh-in results....
So in reviewing my blog, I don't see that I posted my results from last Thursday's weigh-in. I had lost a pound, if I remember correctly. Not much, but oh well.
We're talking about possibly increasing my calories as I may not be eating enough. Sounds weird, huh? Eating more to lose weight. We'll see.....
Track my weightloss progress right alongside me while I strive to lose 100 pounds!!!
Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas.... I weigh-in tonight....
I spent Christmas Eve night at my mom's with my family like I always do. We eat sandwiches, dips, chips/crackers, shrimp, sardines, etc. I had my first can of pop in a long time that night. I drank a Pepsi (not diet....I will NOT drink diet pop except for maybe a diet 7up).
I made some hummus that I brought with me. I used very little olive oil in it. I used chick peas, garlic (one whole head of garlic for 3 cans of chick peas) and one can of artichoke hearts. I used maybe a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. It was really good and very healthy!
I don't generally follow recipes...I might glance at one once to see what the ingredients are then from that point on I try some of this and a little of that and see what I come up with. I wish I was a chef....I almost went to school for culinary arts....
Anyway, I made some good choices and some so-so choices. Overall, none terrible. I just probably had more than I should have.
Christmas Day I went to my grandma's as usual. Normally I would have had big portions of everything and would've gone back for seconds of about everything, but not this year. I got one plate and had moderate amounts of the things I wanted. I did have, throughout the day, a few pieces of lefse (Norwegian flat bread that has butter and sugar on it) and a couple of kringle (Norwegian cookie in the shape of a figure 8 that you spread butter on....I used 'I can't believe it's not butter'). I didn't eat any pie. I loaded up all day long on broccoli and cauliflower.
Again, no terrible choices, but I could've done better. I did much better than other years!
I weigh-in tonight....
I'll be weighing-in tonight right after work. Hopefully I at least stayed even over Christmas. If so, I'll be back to losing next week.... Stay tuned for numbers tomorrow....
I spent Christmas Eve night at my mom's with my family like I always do. We eat sandwiches, dips, chips/crackers, shrimp, sardines, etc. I had my first can of pop in a long time that night. I drank a Pepsi (not diet....I will NOT drink diet pop except for maybe a diet 7up).
I made some hummus that I brought with me. I used very little olive oil in it. I used chick peas, garlic (one whole head of garlic for 3 cans of chick peas) and one can of artichoke hearts. I used maybe a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. It was really good and very healthy!
I don't generally follow recipes...I might glance at one once to see what the ingredients are then from that point on I try some of this and a little of that and see what I come up with. I wish I was a chef....I almost went to school for culinary arts....
Anyway, I made some good choices and some so-so choices. Overall, none terrible. I just probably had more than I should have.
Christmas Day I went to my grandma's as usual. Normally I would have had big portions of everything and would've gone back for seconds of about everything, but not this year. I got one plate and had moderate amounts of the things I wanted. I did have, throughout the day, a few pieces of lefse (Norwegian flat bread that has butter and sugar on it) and a couple of kringle (Norwegian cookie in the shape of a figure 8 that you spread butter on....I used 'I can't believe it's not butter'). I didn't eat any pie. I loaded up all day long on broccoli and cauliflower.
Again, no terrible choices, but I could've done better. I did much better than other years!
I weigh-in tonight....
I'll be weighing-in tonight right after work. Hopefully I at least stayed even over Christmas. If so, I'll be back to losing next week.... Stay tuned for numbers tomorrow....
Family comments....
So in case some family reads my blog (which I don't think a single one of them does) I won't identify who said what.
Now, I don't think that what was said was meant negatively or anything of the sort, but some of it was frustrating nonetheless. And again, most of the people in my family have nothing but positive, supportive things to say....
I was talking with a couple family members over the holidays about my journey thus far and they were asking what I eat. I mentioned that I eat pretty much the same things every day but that I may switch up veggies but that's about it. This person said that it wasn't good to do that and that I'll burn out by doing that. They took little comfort in the fact that I had discussed this with my nutritionist and we agreed it was a good idea and to switch things up if I felt burnt out (which I haven't at all). The thing that made me laugh inside was that this was coming from a thin person who has never had a weight issue.
The other comment was from someone in the same conversation. When I mentioned that I ate salmon every night, they said that salmon has mercury in it and that it was dangerous and that I shouldn't eat so much of it. The next day I went to their freezer to get some ice and what was in the freezer? The EXACT same brand of salmon that I eat every night. I wanted to ask them if I should throw it away for them so that they didn't get mercury poisoning! I kept my mouth shut, though. :-)
Now, I don't think that what was said was meant negatively or anything of the sort, but some of it was frustrating nonetheless. And again, most of the people in my family have nothing but positive, supportive things to say....
I was talking with a couple family members over the holidays about my journey thus far and they were asking what I eat. I mentioned that I eat pretty much the same things every day but that I may switch up veggies but that's about it. This person said that it wasn't good to do that and that I'll burn out by doing that. They took little comfort in the fact that I had discussed this with my nutritionist and we agreed it was a good idea and to switch things up if I felt burnt out (which I haven't at all). The thing that made me laugh inside was that this was coming from a thin person who has never had a weight issue.
The other comment was from someone in the same conversation. When I mentioned that I ate salmon every night, they said that salmon has mercury in it and that it was dangerous and that I shouldn't eat so much of it. The next day I went to their freezer to get some ice and what was in the freezer? The EXACT same brand of salmon that I eat every night. I wanted to ask them if I should throw it away for them so that they didn't get mercury poisoning! I kept my mouth shut, though. :-)
Wednesday's workout....
So Wednesday's workout was more of the same. I did 40 minutes on the cross-trainer and burned some 500+ calories. I average a 10 minute mile on it, so that means that I did about 4 miles. My exercising heart rate continues to stay much lower than when I initially started working out!
From the cross-trainer, we went to the weights and lifted for 20-30 minutes then did some ab work.
From the cross-trainer, we went to the weights and lifted for 20-30 minutes then did some ab work.
Friday, December 21, 2007
This morning's workout!...
Once again...
I kinda impressed myself today. I got to the gym a bit earlier than usual, so Deb and I decided to have me warm up on the cross-trainer for 15 minutes or so before class (Friday is class day). So I started working out on the cross-trainer and after a while I realized it was 7:05 and Deb wasn't around and realized that class had started. I didn't want to go in late, so I kept going on the cross-trainer.
I ended up going for 55 minutes!!! Not only that, but my speed was between 6.5 and 7mph the ENTIRE time (mostly around 7). That's AWESOME. When I started out back in October or whenever, I struggled with 4mph.
I ended up going 55 minutes and just over 6 miles. I burned 720 calories!!! That's over 1/2 the amount of calories I take in in a day! Not sure how many calories I burn when lifting weights and doing ab exercises, but add that in and I'm sure I burned a bunch of calories!
When working out on the cross-trainer I never felt that winded and after I got off of it, I recovered right away and wasn't exhausted or anything. Not bad!
Once again...
I kinda impressed myself today. I got to the gym a bit earlier than usual, so Deb and I decided to have me warm up on the cross-trainer for 15 minutes or so before class (Friday is class day). So I started working out on the cross-trainer and after a while I realized it was 7:05 and Deb wasn't around and realized that class had started. I didn't want to go in late, so I kept going on the cross-trainer.
I ended up going for 55 minutes!!! Not only that, but my speed was between 6.5 and 7mph the ENTIRE time (mostly around 7). That's AWESOME. When I started out back in October or whenever, I struggled with 4mph.
I ended up going 55 minutes and just over 6 miles. I burned 720 calories!!! That's over 1/2 the amount of calories I take in in a day! Not sure how many calories I burn when lifting weights and doing ab exercises, but add that in and I'm sure I burned a bunch of calories!
When working out on the cross-trainer I never felt that winded and after I got off of it, I recovered right away and wasn't exhausted or anything. Not bad!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Biggest Loser finale last night...
So I watched the Biggest Loser finale last night. This is the first season of the show that I've ever watched.
Talk about inspiring. There were people on that show that were much larger than me. While I was really big and still am big, I always had some decent level of muscle underneath it all. Some of those people looked like they had no muscle when they started and had just layers and layers of fat. Now, I'm not making fun of or judging them, just observing.
The transformations that these people went thru was absolutely amazing. Nothing short of jaw-dropping! If I had a nickel for every time I said, "WOW" last night, I'd have at least 50 cents!
One interesting thing that I found out from watching the finale is that 3 more months pass by after the final 4 people leave the campus. So that's a total of 6 months for their weightloss. The crazy thing is, I'm losing as much in a week as some of those people on the show were losing in a week and they're working out every day. I'm working out 3 days a week for only an hour or a bit more a day. I'm proud. I don't even have the possibility of $250,000 pushing me along!
Talk about inspiring. There were people on that show that were much larger than me. While I was really big and still am big, I always had some decent level of muscle underneath it all. Some of those people looked like they had no muscle when they started and had just layers and layers of fat. Now, I'm not making fun of or judging them, just observing.
The transformations that these people went thru was absolutely amazing. Nothing short of jaw-dropping! If I had a nickel for every time I said, "WOW" last night, I'd have at least 50 cents!
One interesting thing that I found out from watching the finale is that 3 more months pass by after the final 4 people leave the campus. So that's a total of 6 months for their weightloss. The crazy thing is, I'm losing as much in a week as some of those people on the show were losing in a week and they're working out every day. I'm working out 3 days a week for only an hour or a bit more a day. I'm proud. I don't even have the possibility of $250,000 pushing me along!
Workout this morning...
All of the cross-trainers were being used this morning except for this one old one, so we went to the bike and did 24 minutes. I think I did 8 miles or so on it in 24 minutes.
We then went to the cross-trainers since they were open. We did about another 20 minutes! That's 44 minutes of cardio for those keeping score at home!
We then went to the weights did what we were supposed to do Friday when I overslept. We increased the weight level on all of the machines by either one or two levels. We then set out to do 8 reps on each machine. I'd lift then slowly return to starting position by way of a four-count. Let me tell you, I could freaking feel it. Like I said, we were shooting for 8 reps on each machine since it's harder to lift slowly, but I did more than 8 on every machine. Some machines I did over 20 reps on and some I did 10 or 15 reps. Either way, there was more progress than we were shooting for! I could really feel it on each machine. Right now, I'm not feeling it as much but I imagine that I'll be feeling it later.
I'm surprised through this whole process that I'm not more sore. We lift every workout and I alsways push myself to where I can't do another rep, but I'm never really sore from it. I feel great!
We then went to the cross-trainers since they were open. We did about another 20 minutes! That's 44 minutes of cardio for those keeping score at home!
We then went to the weights did what we were supposed to do Friday when I overslept. We increased the weight level on all of the machines by either one or two levels. We then set out to do 8 reps on each machine. I'd lift then slowly return to starting position by way of a four-count. Let me tell you, I could freaking feel it. Like I said, we were shooting for 8 reps on each machine since it's harder to lift slowly, but I did more than 8 on every machine. Some machines I did over 20 reps on and some I did 10 or 15 reps. Either way, there was more progress than we were shooting for! I could really feel it on each machine. Right now, I'm not feeling it as much but I imagine that I'll be feeling it later.
I'm surprised through this whole process that I'm not more sore. We lift every workout and I alsways push myself to where I can't do another rep, but I'm never really sore from it. I feel great!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
What's inspiring me? What's motivating me?
What's inspiring me?
So, I was thinking a while back about what was inspiring me. Now, I'm not talking what's motivating me, but what's inspiring me.
One thing (or person) that's inspiring me is my co-worker Dan. Dan lost 100 pounds in a year on his own. Isn't that great?! I never knew Dan when he was heavy, only like he is now: slim and trim. I've seen pics from when he was big, and he was a big guy.
Back before I started the program, Dan would always tell me that if he could do it I sure as hell could. I always kept it in the back of my mind, but never really thought I'd ever get motivated to do it.
What's motivating me?
Now, the other side of the coin. What's motivating me?
Well, it certainly helps to have people watching you on TV. That's a given. But you have to look beyond that. I think that you have to constantly, or at least occasionally, re-evaluate your motivation in order to keep going down this long road.
The Move It segment on the news was my initial motivation. Who wants to fail with everyone watching, especially when they keep showing that shirtless picture of you wearing your mohair sweater?? That does continue to motivate me, certainly, but I've found other motivation as well.
One thing that motivates me is how I feel and how I look and how my clothes fit (too loose, for sure!). Ok, that was more than one thing, but they're all related. It's also great having so many people tell you that they're noticing a big difference in you. I never get sick of hearing those kind comments!
I also hope that I'm motivating people through my success. I was a big couch potato before. I still like to kick back and relax while watching TV, but I'm now earning those times.
It can also be fun to change and to try new things. I'm not always so accepting of change. I've had some difficulty with change in the past, but so far this has been pretty easy. It's been fun, actually.
A friend of mine asked me if I ever get sick of this whole thing. I really don't. Are there some mornings where I wish I could sleep in til 7:45am rather than get up at 5:45am and go work out? Yeah. The big picture keeps me going, though. Or maybe that's the little picture. Heh.
Anyway, hopefully I'll start posting more blogs like this one. A little less boring and rote and a little more personal and reflective....
So, I was thinking a while back about what was inspiring me. Now, I'm not talking what's motivating me, but what's inspiring me.
One thing (or person) that's inspiring me is my co-worker Dan. Dan lost 100 pounds in a year on his own. Isn't that great?! I never knew Dan when he was heavy, only like he is now: slim and trim. I've seen pics from when he was big, and he was a big guy.
Back before I started the program, Dan would always tell me that if he could do it I sure as hell could. I always kept it in the back of my mind, but never really thought I'd ever get motivated to do it.
What's motivating me?
Now, the other side of the coin. What's motivating me?
Well, it certainly helps to have people watching you on TV. That's a given. But you have to look beyond that. I think that you have to constantly, or at least occasionally, re-evaluate your motivation in order to keep going down this long road.
The Move It segment on the news was my initial motivation. Who wants to fail with everyone watching, especially when they keep showing that shirtless picture of you wearing your mohair sweater?? That does continue to motivate me, certainly, but I've found other motivation as well.
One thing that motivates me is how I feel and how I look and how my clothes fit (too loose, for sure!). Ok, that was more than one thing, but they're all related. It's also great having so many people tell you that they're noticing a big difference in you. I never get sick of hearing those kind comments!
I also hope that I'm motivating people through my success. I was a big couch potato before. I still like to kick back and relax while watching TV, but I'm now earning those times.
It can also be fun to change and to try new things. I'm not always so accepting of change. I've had some difficulty with change in the past, but so far this has been pretty easy. It's been fun, actually.
A friend of mine asked me if I ever get sick of this whole thing. I really don't. Are there some mornings where I wish I could sleep in til 7:45am rather than get up at 5:45am and go work out? Yeah. The big picture keeps me going, though. Or maybe that's the little picture. Heh.
Anyway, hopefully I'll start posting more blogs like this one. A little less boring and rote and a little more personal and reflective....
Monday, December 17, 2007
My nutritionist is on maternity leave...
My nutritionist, Amy, had her last day of work on Friday. She's now on maternity leave.
Amy is awesome. We really clicked and hit it off well. We had fun touring Dahl's for the news. She's responsible for a big portion of my success! I'll miss her!
There's another nutritionist, Janette, who's filling in for her. I haven't met Janette yet.
Amy is awesome. We really clicked and hit it off well. We had fun touring Dahl's for the news. She's responsible for a big portion of my success! I'll miss her!
There's another nutritionist, Janette, who's filling in for her. I haven't met Janette yet.
Updated photo....

So as you know, I've lost a total of 46 pounds in 2 1/2 months or so as of last Thursday.
I figured it'd be nice to post an updated photo of me. Now, I'm not going to post my before pic here right now as I HATE seeing that icky photo. If you want to see it, go to Channel 13's website. and navigate to the Move It section.
That's a bad pic of me, but it gives you an idea of how different I look now! It's all paying off!
Today's workout...
We did 30 minutes on the cross-trainer. I burned 394 calories in those 30 minutes! That's about 1/3 of my daily calories! I kept a pace of 6-6.5 mph the whole time without any trouble.
From there, we went to the weights as usual and did the whole circuit. Wednesday we'll be increasing the weight and holding each rep for 4 seconds. That'll be interesting!
From there, we went to the weights as usual and did the whole circuit. Wednesday we'll be increasing the weight and holding each rep for 4 seconds. That'll be interesting!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Last night's weigh-in... Overslept today...
Last night's weigh-in...
So I weighed-in last night. Amazing results, too!
Keep in mind, this weigh-in is two weeks worth of weightloss due to weigh-in being cancelled last week.
I had lost 7 POUNDS over those two weeks!!! That's 3.5 pounds/week. I'm not even starving myself at all! I eat all day long, six times a day, and I'm losing weight. Amazing. The people on The Biggest Loser workout like all day long every day and sometimes don't lose 3.5 pounds in a week. I workout 3 times a week and have this success!
I'm now down to 270 pounds from an initial 316 pounds when I began 2 1/2 months ago. I have another 70 pounds to get to my goal.
I have lost a total of 46 pounds in 2 1/2 months!!! How awesome?!
Overslept today...
I was supposed to workout today as I do every Friday. Well, I set my alarm clock last night for 5:45am but apparently forgot to slide the little switch over to turn the alarm on. I woke up 2 hours late when I heard my roommate leaving the bathroom. I was so pissed at myself!!! 3 months ago I wouldn't have dreamed I'd have ever been mad at myself for oversleeping thru a workout!!!
So I weighed-in last night. Amazing results, too!
Keep in mind, this weigh-in is two weeks worth of weightloss due to weigh-in being cancelled last week.
I had lost 7 POUNDS over those two weeks!!! That's 3.5 pounds/week. I'm not even starving myself at all! I eat all day long, six times a day, and I'm losing weight. Amazing. The people on The Biggest Loser workout like all day long every day and sometimes don't lose 3.5 pounds in a week. I workout 3 times a week and have this success!
I'm now down to 270 pounds from an initial 316 pounds when I began 2 1/2 months ago. I have another 70 pounds to get to my goal.
I have lost a total of 46 pounds in 2 1/2 months!!! How awesome?!
Overslept today...
I was supposed to workout today as I do every Friday. Well, I set my alarm clock last night for 5:45am but apparently forgot to slide the little switch over to turn the alarm on. I woke up 2 hours late when I heard my roommate leaving the bathroom. I was so pissed at myself!!! 3 months ago I wouldn't have dreamed I'd have ever been mad at myself for oversleeping thru a workout!!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
A friend whom I haven't seen for maybe a year or so since we did the play 'High School Reunion' asked me for an updated photo so she could see my progress. She emailed me back and said I looked way different and that she probably wouldn't have recognized if she ran into me on the street had I not sent her the pic.
It's really nice to hear those kinds of things. I have a long way to go, but it's nice to hear those good things.
It's really nice to hear those kinds of things. I have a long way to go, but it's nice to hear those good things.
This morning's workout... News tonight...
This morning's workout...
This morning's workout was another good one.
I did the cross-trainer for 40 minutes! That's like 7 over my longest time so far. It really helps to have someone working out alongside you (Deb, my trainer). I kept up a pace of 6mph (give or take a tenth or two) the whole time except for the last 3-5 minutes when we gradually slowed it down for a cool-down.
We then did the weights for the last 20 minutes.
News tonight...
I'll be on the news tonight at 10pm. It's the footage from last week of me working out.
This morning's workout was another good one.
I did the cross-trainer for 40 minutes! That's like 7 over my longest time so far. It really helps to have someone working out alongside you (Deb, my trainer). I kept up a pace of 6mph (give or take a tenth or two) the whole time except for the last 3-5 minutes when we gradually slowed it down for a cool-down.
We then did the weights for the last 20 minutes.
News tonight...
I'll be on the news tonight at 10pm. It's the footage from last week of me working out.
Monday, December 10, 2007
This morning's workout...
I did 33 minutes on the cross-trainer. My heart rate has gotten better when working out. I noticed today that despite going between 5.5-6.5 mph that my heart rate didn't go over 150. That's an improvement from the past. In the past, there were times it would be over 152 and we'd have to slow my speed down to lower it.
From the cross-trainer, we went to the weights. I did about 25 reps on almost every weight machine. One of the leg machines seemed extremely easy today -- I did 40 reps and could've easily done more. We double-checked the weight setting and it was correct.
From the weights, we went on to ab exercises using the exercise balls and then some stretching.
I had 2 pieces of pizza last night instead of my salmon. They were probably medium pieces. I had a script reading of a musical and they had ordered pizza. I also tried some tortilla chips made with flax seed and sesame seed; not bad. They were supposedly healthy, but I didn't look at the package to see the numbers.
From the cross-trainer, we went to the weights. I did about 25 reps on almost every weight machine. One of the leg machines seemed extremely easy today -- I did 40 reps and could've easily done more. We double-checked the weight setting and it was correct.
From the weights, we went on to ab exercises using the exercise balls and then some stretching.
I had 2 pieces of pizza last night instead of my salmon. They were probably medium pieces. I had a script reading of a musical and they had ordered pizza. I also tried some tortilla chips made with flax seed and sesame seed; not bad. They were supposedly healthy, but I didn't look at the package to see the numbers.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Today's workout... Had to adjust the meal plan last night...
Today's workout...
Today's workout was a class as all Friday's are.
We did aerobic exercises with the exercise ball. You might not think that you can get much of a workout with an exercise ball, but believe me, you can! We did that for 30 minutes then switched up and did another 15 minutes on the cross-trainer. From there we did the weight machines for another 20 minutes or so.
Had to adjust the meal plan last night...
I had to go straight from work to Grandview College to videotape a play for Theater...for a Change. I had no time to run home to cook my nightly piece of salmon and broccoli, so I had to make a healthy choice. I ran over to McDonald's and grabbed an Asian grilled chicken salad. My dietician recommended it some time ago and I've had them a few times and they are really good! It's got mixed greens, snow pea pods, edamame, mandarin oranges, and slivered almonds with a sesame vinaigrette. Yum. I also got a bottle of water.
In the past I'd have gotten a burger, large fry, and half-gallon of pop (kidding, but those pops are huge). I don't really miss the crappy fast food and pop.
I truly feel that this lifestyle change is for good. It's easy to stick to for me.
Today's workout was a class as all Friday's are.
We did aerobic exercises with the exercise ball. You might not think that you can get much of a workout with an exercise ball, but believe me, you can! We did that for 30 minutes then switched up and did another 15 minutes on the cross-trainer. From there we did the weight machines for another 20 minutes or so.
Had to adjust the meal plan last night...
I had to go straight from work to Grandview College to videotape a play for Theater...for a Change. I had no time to run home to cook my nightly piece of salmon and broccoli, so I had to make a healthy choice. I ran over to McDonald's and grabbed an Asian grilled chicken salad. My dietician recommended it some time ago and I've had them a few times and they are really good! It's got mixed greens, snow pea pods, edamame, mandarin oranges, and slivered almonds with a sesame vinaigrette. Yum. I also got a bottle of water.
In the past I'd have gotten a burger, large fry, and half-gallon of pop (kidding, but those pops are huge). I don't really miss the crappy fast food and pop.
I truly feel that this lifestyle change is for good. It's easy to stick to for me.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
No weigh-in tonight...
I was supposed to weigh-in tonight, but they cancelled weigh-ins due to the weather. I'll be weighing-in next Thursday night.
Last night's newscast....
If you tuned in to the news last night and were expecting to see me during the Move It segment, I wasn't on. Yesterday was a big news day with the Omaha mall shootings and the Senator Matt McCoy trial. They just did a very brief mention of how we're all doing. Sonya did make mention that I slipped on the ice leaving work and injured my elbow. My segment will air next Wednesday night at 10.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Workout today will be on WHO tonight at 10pm.
So Trent from channel 13 was there at Mercy Wellness today to shoot me working out.
I did the cross-trainer for 30 minutes. We used a different cross-trainer today with an adjustable incline. I hate trying new cross-trainers because they're ALL different; you get used to one and you like it. Unlike treadmills, cross-trainers vary a lot! Anyway, after the cross-trainer we went to weights. And, of course, Trent had us do the interview after I had been working out for 30 minutes and was all sweaty! In his defense, I got there 15 minutes early today and we had already started working out, so it's really my fault! Oh well!
So during the interview we were joking around about my 'guns' (aka Number One and Number Two). I hope they don't put that on the air because we were totally joking; people might take it out of context and think I was bragging about my muscles. They have gotten bigger, but there's nothing to brag about!
I did the cross-trainer for 30 minutes. We used a different cross-trainer today with an adjustable incline. I hate trying new cross-trainers because they're ALL different; you get used to one and you like it. Unlike treadmills, cross-trainers vary a lot! Anyway, after the cross-trainer we went to weights. And, of course, Trent had us do the interview after I had been working out for 30 minutes and was all sweaty! In his defense, I got there 15 minutes early today and we had already started working out, so it's really my fault! Oh well!
So during the interview we were joking around about my 'guns' (aka Number One and Number Two). I hope they don't put that on the air because we were totally joking; people might take it out of context and think I was bragging about my muscles. They have gotten bigger, but there's nothing to brag about!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Today's workout.... Went to dinner twice this last weekend
Today's workout
Today's workout was pretty good. I did 30 minutes on the cross-trainer (about 450 calories burned!). I then went and did weights for 30 minutes or so. From there we did the exercise ball (stretches and ab exercises).
Went to dinner twice this last weekend
So I went to dinner with my girlfriend and one of her daughters and 2 of our friends on Friday night. I knew we'd be going to Carlos O'Kelly's, so I looked the menu up ahead of time. They have a lite section of their menu so I looked that up to decide what to eat. They listed all the usual food info that food labels have, so it makes it nice when trying to follow a 'diet'.
I got the Pico Enchiladas. They had an option of 1 or 2. I got the 2 enchiladas, but probably would've been satisfied with just one. It took a really long time to get our food and I ate more chips than I maybe should've.
Sunday I went to lunch with my mom. We went to TGIFriday's. I also ordered off of their lite menu and the food was pretty good. It was Garlic Chicken Primavera. It was pretty good.
I got water to drink at both places.
Today's workout was pretty good. I did 30 minutes on the cross-trainer (about 450 calories burned!). I then went and did weights for 30 minutes or so. From there we did the exercise ball (stretches and ab exercises).
Went to dinner twice this last weekend
So I went to dinner with my girlfriend and one of her daughters and 2 of our friends on Friday night. I knew we'd be going to Carlos O'Kelly's, so I looked the menu up ahead of time. They have a lite section of their menu so I looked that up to decide what to eat. They listed all the usual food info that food labels have, so it makes it nice when trying to follow a 'diet'.
I got the Pico Enchiladas. They had an option of 1 or 2. I got the 2 enchiladas, but probably would've been satisfied with just one. It took a really long time to get our food and I ate more chips than I maybe should've.
Sunday I went to lunch with my mom. We went to TGIFriday's. I also ordered off of their lite menu and the food was pretty good. It was Garlic Chicken Primavera. It was pretty good.
I got water to drink at both places.
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