Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Workout this morning at 24/7 Xpress

So I decided to throw in an extra workout this week. I wanted to do 5 mornings this week, but I have to come in to work early on Thursday so that I can make my stress management class at Mercy Capital on Thursday evening and my appointment with my nutritionist as well. I'd have to get up WAY too early to go workout.

So my workout this morning was at 24/7 Xpress right by my house. It'll be nice this winter if the weather gets bad, I can still go there and work out since it's a couple blocks away. No excuses!
I did the treadmill today for 20 minutes on an inclice level of 3 and a speed of 3.3 or so. Then I switched up and did the cross-trainer for 10 minutes then went back to the treadmill for another 20 minutes all with no break between. I must say I HATE the motion of their cross-trainer compared to Mercy's; my arches hurt so bad when I was done.
I was sweating so much this morning! Went right out into that cold air for the quick drive home and thought my sweat was going to freeze!

My muscles from yesterday's workout are feeling stronger. Such a great feeling; I want to get back to where I was strength-wise when I was in high school.

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