So Monday Angela performed another Reiki session on me. Almost immediately, I felt a wave of energy pulsing through me. It started at my head and went through my whole body and was accompanied by a little bit of heat. That's not the weird part....
So shortly after she started, she still had her hands on either side of my head. I felt somebody holding my right hand. Yeah. Seriously. We were maybe less than two minutes in, so I was still awake and wasn't in a trance state or anything. It was followed by a feeling of comfort, peace, and relaxation. I know it sounds weird, but I felt it! I can't explain it and can't say if it was a spirit guide, a dead relative, or my imagination, but I can tell you, it felt real. I'm keeping an open mind through this process as I want to change and improve what's in my noggin!
So Angela also told me to be open to falling in love again. She had me fill out a a contrast/clarity list where you write down on one side the things that you don't want in a relationship and on the clarity side the things that you DO want in a relationship. For instance, say you don't want someone abusive, so you would right that on your contrast side and on the clarity side you would write maybe that you wanted someone kind. The goal is that when you're done the clarity side will basically list exactly what it is you're looking for in a relationship. I need to finish filling mine's a work in progress.
I don't remember dreams much, but I had one the other night. About my ex, Amy. She broke up with me almost exactly a year ago. ON MY BIRTHDAY, And we lived together. Wow. She broke my heart. I don't think I've been able to get over her. I won't go into all the details, but she was the only girl I've ever lived with. Anyway, I had a dream the other night about her. The jist of the dream was essentially that she had moved on but I was stuck and hadn't. I ended up trying to tell her that she broke my heart, but I ended up telling some other guy in the dream who, I think, symbolized whomever she moved on with (pretty sure she had been cheating on me at the end). Not sure what the whole thing means, but pretty sure it had something to do with Angela talking to me about relationships and being open to falling in love. I think I was seeking closure in that dream but was unable to find it.
We also discussed my wanting to drink less. That being said, I don't feel I have an alcohol problem, but I feel that my social interactions revolve mostly around alcohol. I also need to expand my horizons as far as needing more friends and more social interaction in general. Pretty much what my social life consists of is hanging out at Billy Joe's on a night when it's mostly empty and singing karaoke and drinking beer. Pretty boring! I need to seek out some interesting things to do that don't center around alcohol. This has the potential to bring with it a lot of positive side effects.
Can't wait to see what today's session brings!. Also, we might record a follow-up interview after today's session.
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