out at Billy Joe's for karaoke. They have a sober ride which is a free
cab ride which takes you home.
I take it often because I'm afraid to drive even after a couple of
beers. I've had cab drivers high on Meth. I've had cab drivers whom
are hippies. I've had cab drivers who don't speak a word to me.
Tonight I rode with a scholar. I got in and heard an accent that
sounded British. The cab driver looked maybe Indian. I later asked
where he was from and it turns out he came here in 2000 or 2001 to
chase the fake American dream.
We started out with small talk. He asked me how my night was and we
immediately turned to the smoking ban and how it's hurting businesses
and how it's against what this country was founded upon. I referenced
the Boston Tea Party, not sure if he'd know what I was talking about.
He certainly knew. He picked up my train of thought and ran with it.
We discussed politics and how the two party system is a ruse. It's a
sham. We discussed how this country is not an actual democracy and far
from it. We discussed imigration and how this country was founded upon
imigration yet we're trying to make imigrants evil these days. We
talked about how corporations control this country and the elections
and the presidency and the parties and the entire country. And they DO!
We sat in my driveway for 10 minutes and discussed this. He made a
comment that as a foreigner he has no business discussing this. He has
EVERY business discussing it because he's what this country is based
on. My people came here from Norway. I'm from America, but my
ancestors came here for a better life in the early 1900's. He came
here in 2000 or 2001 for a better life. YOUR ancestors came here from
their land of origin. Nobody reading this damn blog is 100% Native
American and if you were, you'd be just as mad and impassioned.
The corporations want you and I to be poor. They have power over the
poor. I don't know about you, but my dollar doesn't buy what it used
to. That's why suddenly I have to get a part time job in order to LIVE!
If this cab driver were a woman, I'd have proposed on the spot. This
30-something man knows more about this country and its history than
most people of my generation. And he's more patriotic, too. He loves
this country for what it was. For what it's supposed to be. For what
it was founded on.
We both agree that this country needs a revolution. People of my
generation need to stand up. We need to take this country back and
return it to the country that our forefathers gave us. A peaceful
democracy that cared about the freedom of its people. This man from
South Africa knows more about this country than most of our generation
and cares about this country more than most Americans of this
When are we going to wake up? When are going to realize this isn't
America, but instead a company known as America, Inc.???
Somebody back me up here. I know you're all smart. I know you can see
the forest for the trees. I know we're not the only ones that feel
this way.
We need to band together and begin to take our country back.
Wow. I just blogged for 30+ minutes on my iPhone. I want to say so
much more. McCain is Obama. Obama is McCain. Don't buy into the BS
that is the system designed to keep you in check. Designed to keep you
How are we going to organize? How are we going to rise up? It starts
with a smoking ban. It's a slippery slope. What right is next?! Wake up.
Sent from my iPhone
ya know... you can take off that little tag line that says "Sent from my iphone?" I just got the new one and love it!
Sent from my iphone
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