Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Put an offer down on a condo....

So my great friend, Mary, let me know of a condo that she found online recently that matched what I'd been looking for. It's right in my price range and is around the square footage I'd been looking for. All in all, it's just what I'm looking for.
I made an offer on it the other day. Today we had the inspection, and it went off without a hitch! The furnace is 20 years newer than we thought. it's still old, but better than being 40 years old! The place has an AHS home warranty for a year, so that'll cover the furnace for a year.
The only things the inspector found were a leaky sink drain pipe that likely needs tightened and the kitchen has 2 outlets that need replaced with GFI outlets.
The sellers reduced the price by $15,000 recently as they're paying the mortgage on this place and the new place they bought. It has new windows as of 2007 and new paint and carpet as well.
Wish me luck!

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