Thursday, May 29, 2008

Jogged again today and body sculpting class....

I got to the gym about 20 minutes before body-sculpting class today. No idea why I was so early. I decided to jog before class to get warmed up. I wanted to jog for at least ten minutes and to do it all in one chunk rather than how we did it yesterday. If you remember, yesterday my trainer had me jog for 3 minutes, walk for 1 minute, then jog for 4 and walk for 1, then jog for 5 and walk for 1. I got 12 minutes in yesterday, but it was broken up into 3 sections. Today my goal was to do it all at once and I did! I jogged for about 10 minutes 30 seconds at 6.5mph which seems to be a really decent pace. It felt great. I seemed to keep a good heart rate and breathing. As soon as I finished jogging and went to walking to cool down, my heart rate and breathing seemed to return to normal very quickly. It seems that my conditioning is good!

So after warming up with the jogging, I went to class. I pushed myself today to use the 8lb and 10lb dumbbells. Now keep in mind that while those weights look light, we're doing aerobic exercises with the weights to burn fat and tone muscle rather than trying to build a lot of muscle. We do a lot of reps with the weights, so after time those 8 and 10 pounders feel much heavier, plus for some exercises we use two weights in the same hand. I use the 8lb weights most of the time, but when we switch up to doing chest presses on the floor or butterflies, I use the 10 pounders. I could use a heavier weight for those, however the 10's are the heaviest we have outside of the weight room. The ones in the weight room aren't rubber-coated like the others, so they would be a no-no on the gym floor.
I'm glad I pushed myself to use the heavier weights today. I got a good workout! :)

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