Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Need clothes sooo bad....

I need new clothes so bad. The new clothes that I bought recently still work, but they're getting too big now. I bought just like 3 or 4 shirts recently and a couple pairs of shorts. I bought them maybe 3 weeks ago or so. The timer motor on my washing machine broke recently and my roommate bought the new part. That was $50 (just my half) that I didn't have. My car insurance is due. My cell bill is due. My water bill is due. Gas/electricity is due the 20th. My car payment is due the 15th. I have about $50 in my account right now and I still need to buy gas and some groceries. I've been putting off getting a haircut because I can't really afford it.
UGH. It's the gas that's killing me. I really don't buy myself anything, so it's not that I'm being careless with my money. I don't buy needless groceries or junk food. I buy just what I eat daily and nothing extra. I wish I had money for some clothes. I need clothes. :(


Shea said...

I totally feel your pain here... I got a little too excited with my weight loss 15 pounds ago and bought stuff that is all too big now. Lately I've been buying dresses (which you can't do HA)- because they are going to fit me even when I lose my last few pounds. I paid a mint or a pair of jeans that just don't look good anymore because of the baggy butt look I have when I wear them now. Hint: buy tighter fitting stretchy shirts that will last longer and can be shrunk when thrown in the dryer on high heat. Plus the food we buy is hellish expensive because it's quality. You know- there is a reason that people with limited budgets tend to be heavier- it's expensive to get and stay thin. Imagine if you and I had a family to feed AND wanted to keep it healthy! It's a big conspiracy I tell ya! The drug companies want us to be fat and unhealthy so they have to medicate us later when we have diabetes and heart disease. Call me for a haircut- and don't worry about the money now- I've got your back on this one- ok?

Dave said...

Shea, you're awesome, but I can't let you do that!
I should have enough to pay you for this one and the last one that I still owe you for from before you left on vacation.
John had ordered a part for my washing machine w/out us agreeing on it and that's got me strapped! Ugh.
Thanks, though. You're the best damn hair stylist ever Shea Bell!

Anonymous said...

Dave, you're surrounded by people who clearly support you and your goals, they even celebrate it. THAT's great. Now, take a look around... you can't be the only guy with clothes that don't fit...folks like yourself could pass down those clothes to the next guy as he transitions. Maybe that won't help you now, you star student you, but it is worth a thought.
Also, new healthy habits may mean more aggressive second hand store searches -- and can you say garage sale (for whatever reason, many sell brand new clothes for a song). There's a reason why "people with limited budgets tend to" shop like this, too.
Oh, and try freecycle and the reUseIt network.
And do you have a link to Shea's website. A little freebie "ad" would be nice for you and what you intend, I think. Best, M