Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Last night's Move It story on channel 13....

First, before the news, during The Biggest Loser, they aired little promos for the news where Sonya and I were on the cross-trainers and she said something like, "Wanna be one of Iowa's biggest losers?" Then I said, "Take the Move It Challenge. I'm Dave Williams and I've lost 60 pounds!"
Last night's story was great. I think it really told the story well. Some good sounds bytes from favorite is me saying that I'm part of the Fast Food Generation. hindsight I should've said I'm part of Generation 2X! Hmmm....I'll have to remember that one for my speech at the diabetes conference. It's kinda funny but true. People my age, and Americans in general, are at their heaviest ever. People my age were brought up on McD's as kids. Anyway...

An old friend of mine from before preschool sent me a myspace message today. Jason had seen me on the news last night and sent me a really nice message about my motivation and progress. I ran into him at the fair this year; it was the first time I'd seen him in several years since we were roommates right after college. He saw me at the fair at my heaviest ever -- 316. I also ran into my old classmate Jamie when I was at the fair. Jamie made a comment that stuck with me: "Wow. You haven't worked out at all since we graduated." It was said in a pretty rude way. When you're as fat as I was, and frankly, still am, people like to 'weigh-in' on your weight. I mean it's understandable to a degree; it's front and center and easier to comment on than "Wow. You sure have a great personality, feller!"

Anyway, Jason, thanks for reading! They're doing the stories weekly on 13 at 10pm. It's me and 3 women whom they alternate between.

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