Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Today's workout....

I made it to the gym this morning despite the bad weather. I had a heck of a time getting onto Douglas Ave. from my street. I drive a stick (a Scion xB, to be exact) and had to keep backing up and getting a running start at the intersection. When I left the gym and turned onto whatever street it was by Mercy, I had a helluva time getting through there!

I did 8 minutes on an ellyptical that I don't normally use that doesn't track how many miles you've gone and I don't think it tracks your speed, either. We switched up to the ellyptical (cross-trainer) that I normally use. I ended up doing about 30 minutes on it. All together I did 38 minutes of cardio today. From there we hit the weights for the rest of the time.

I'm thinking of going to the morning class tomorrow. It's apparently a 'body-sculpting' class where they work out with bars that have some weight to them. We'll see....

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