Friday, April 11, 2008

Last night's weigh-in.... Nice comment the other day from a stranger....

Last night's weigh-in....

I weighed-in last night. Down another 2 pounds. I'm happier with two pounds than I used to be. I understand that I have less to lose, thus it will come off slower. It will also be easier to keep off since it's coming off a bit slower. It's also in the 1-2 pounds a week healthy target range.

I'm down a total of 83 pounds now since the end of September. :)
33 more to go....

Nice comment the other day from a stranger....

So I was in the parking ramp on my way into Mercy to work out the other morning and a lady approached me with a man, whom I'm assuming was her husband. She said, "I just wanted to let you know how well you're doing. I pass you most mornings and you're doing really well."
How nice of someone to say that. :) It's those little comments that really help you keep going.

I told my friend Carrie about my new numbers last night and she said she was proud of me. That's nice to hear as well. :)
Everyone always says such nice things. It's one of the great things about making a positive life change. :)

1 comment:

Shea said...

wow man- 83 pounds! I'm so impressed!