Friday, April 4, 2008

Need new clothes bad....

I need new clothes. I knew the time would come when I'd need to start buying new clothes, and that time has come. I was wearing a 3X shirt back when I started. I recently bought a new dress shirt and it's a 1X and it fits a bit loose. Crazy.

All this time I had some 2X shirts from back in the day. A bunch I had given away right when I started (no clue why I did that!). Some of those I can still wear.

I have NO money to buy clothes. It sucks. Pretty much all of my money goes to groceries, gas, car payment, rent, phone, and utilities. Once I pay those, I have very little money left. I don't spend much money at all on myself. I might go out to the bar once a week with some friends and will spend maybe $15-$20. Of course that adds up over the course of a month, but you need to blow off some steam and do some karaoke!

I'm still working out in some of my 3X t-shirts! Ha! I'll wear them and will remember, "WOW! This used to fit me and was even a little tight." Yikes...that's a little embarrassing!

It'll be nice once May comes. I can't wait for my economic stimulus check from the government. Some of that is going to a past due bill or two, but I'll have a little left for some clothes that will last me a little while til I get to my goal.

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