Monday, April 7, 2008

Potpourri of stuff....

Recognizing me....

So I'm getting recognized a lot lately. It's kinda weird....

Friday night I went with some friends to see a play at the Civic Center's Stoner Theatre. I walked up to the box office to buy my ticket and immediately the lady at the ticket counter said, "I'm following your progress on the news."

Saturday night I was at the bar and this guy kept looking at me. I kept noticing and was like, 'Ok, whatever.' Well, finally I was walking to the bathroom and he came up to me as he was walking out of the bathroom and said, "My wife and I watch you on the news all the time after The Biggest Loser. You're doing really well..." etc etc etc. We talked for a few minutes about how it really helps to have a trainer, if nothing less than to just have a workout buddy to motivate each other, etc. It was really nice.

Last Saturday night I was at the bar and a girl came up to me and said, "I thought I recognized you and when the waitress was mentioning watching you on the news, I knew it was you. I saw you on the news when you first started; you've lost a lot of weight! You look really good!"
Man, now that I'm single again, I need to come up with a pick up line based on all of this.... hahaha

People all the time at the grocery store tell me that they've been following me on the news and I'm doing so well, etc etc. It's such a nice feeling.

Inspiring people....

So Saturday night I was at the bar and an acquaintance approached me and told me that my success had inspired him to lose weight. He said all he's changed are his eating habits and he's lost 30 pounds.
It's nice to know that we can inspire one another with things that we do in our own lives that others notice.


So between stage managing Neil Simon's "The Sunshine Boys", starting my new sktech comedy group, and joining another sketch group, and all of my working out M-F, I'm just a wee bit busy! I'm going to have to start making dinner and lunch the night before again and eating my dinner at rehearsal or right before I leave work like I was doing during rehearsals when I was in "High School Reunion".

Noticing muscles....

So I wore shorts the other night and noticed that when I flexed my calf muscles, they're pretty damn big now. Big and rock solid. I'm quite impressed. I was also looking back at my last measurements the other day and was thinking about how I've lost 5 1/2" just in the last month alone out of the 21" I've lost total. I think that's probably mostly due to gaining a lot of muscle as of late.
I still have 35 pounds to go to my current goal, and still am not totally comfortable with my body, but I'm definitely getting there and it's a great feeling. My confidence level is soaring, really.

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