Friday, October 26, 2007

My weight and my BMI!!!

Ok, so what's my weight and what's my Body Mass Index?

Well, I must preface this:
She said that the BMI doesn't figure in my lean muscle mass (pretty sure that's what she said). So, she said that could throw it off just a bit depending how much there is. I do still have some muscle under this lard! I know I do! I can still knock out 25 push-ups at once just like that!

Keep in mind that my starting weight when I started on my own 30 days ago was an all-time high of 315! I have no idea what my BMI was because I'd never had it checked before.

Weight: 286
BMI: 43.5

I think that means I'm like 43.5% lard! Ouch!
On a positive note, I lost 30 (ok 29) pounds on my own in one month! Wow. I'm proud of myself.
I've lost 30 pounds in one month before (two times to be exact), but never in a healthy way. I mentioned the other times in previous posts, but I'll touch on them briefly again:
Once was from eating one meal a day and throwing that up. I was 18 or 19 or so.
The other was just a couple of years ago. I would walk an hour every day after work but would only eat every third or fourth day.

I'm excited to do it with the support of this amazing staff and this time to keep it off by changing my lifestyle!
Wanna work out w/ me sometime?? I can bring a guest for $5 each visit!


Shea said...

I want to work out with you sometime, Dave! I can swing the five bucks.

Dave said...

We'll definitely work out together sometime. See you tomorrow night. I need to call you about a haircut soon!

Unknown said...

Let me know about working out with you Dave!!! I'm up for it....just call me ahead of time to plan with my work schedule (retail makes it funky!). I know tomorrow after work I'm going to the gym!