Friday, March 21, 2008

Last night's weigh-in....

So I weighed-in last night, it being Thursday and all. I lost 2 pounds this last week.
I know that they're good numbers and that I'm probably plateauing, but it's just weird to be working out more than ever but pulling smaller numbers. I'm not getting discouraged or disheartened at all. I'm still quite proud of the numbers, just logic says to me that I should be losing more. But with my new boody-sculpting class, I'm probably adding more muscle, which weighs more than fat.
I'm now down to 238.5. I'm now down 77.5 pounds since the end of September! Someone overheard me talking to someone else about it today in the locker room, and he was highly impressed. I'm so proud to know that I've done it through simple, old-fashioned hard work and eating healthy.

1 comment:

Shea said...

Dave- a plateau isn't losing 2 pounds a week. That is still pretty awesome! It now takes me about a month and a half to lose ONE pound! But the good news is that the scale still goes down- slowly... but it moves. Talk about a bit of frustration! The lighter you are the less calories you burn! I'd kill for a ONE pound a week loss.