Thursday, December 27, 2007

Family comments....

So in case some family reads my blog (which I don't think a single one of them does) I won't identify who said what.
Now, I don't think that what was said was meant negatively or anything of the sort, but some of it was frustrating nonetheless. And again, most of the people in my family have nothing but positive, supportive things to say....

I was talking with a couple family members over the holidays about my journey thus far and they were asking what I eat. I mentioned that I eat pretty much the same things every day but that I may switch up veggies but that's about it. This person said that it wasn't good to do that and that I'll burn out by doing that. They took little comfort in the fact that I had discussed this with my nutritionist and we agreed it was a good idea and to switch things up if I felt burnt out (which I haven't at all). The thing that made me laugh inside was that this was coming from a thin person who has never had a weight issue.

The other comment was from someone in the same conversation. When I mentioned that I ate salmon every night, they said that salmon has mercury in it and that it was dangerous and that I shouldn't eat so much of it. The next day I went to their freezer to get some ice and what was in the freezer? The EXACT same brand of salmon that I eat every night. I wanted to ask them if I should throw it away for them so that they didn't get mercury poisoning! I kept my mouth shut, though. :-)

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