Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Workout this morning...

All of the cross-trainers were being used this morning except for this one old one, so we went to the bike and did 24 minutes. I think I did 8 miles or so on it in 24 minutes.
We then went to the cross-trainers since they were open. We did about another 20 minutes! That's 44 minutes of cardio for those keeping score at home!

We then went to the weights did what we were supposed to do Friday when I overslept. We increased the weight level on all of the machines by either one or two levels. We then set out to do 8 reps on each machine. I'd lift then slowly return to starting position by way of a four-count. Let me tell you, I could freaking feel it. Like I said, we were shooting for 8 reps on each machine since it's harder to lift slowly, but I did more than 8 on every machine. Some machines I did over 20 reps on and some I did 10 or 15 reps. Either way, there was more progress than we were shooting for! I could really feel it on each machine. Right now, I'm not feeling it as much but I imagine that I'll be feeling it later.

I'm surprised through this whole process that I'm not more sore. We lift every workout and I alsways push myself to where I can't do another rep, but I'm never really sore from it. I feel great!

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