Friday, November 30, 2007

Today's workout -- WHEW!

Man. Today's workout kicked my blankety-blank!

Fridays I do step-aerobics then weights. We did 30 minutes of step-aerobics. I put a riser under my step to make it that much more difficult. You'd be surprised at the difference that makes.
I was BEAT after the step-aerobics, but we went straight to the weights after that and did 30 more minutes. WOW. I'm telling you, this was probably the best workout I've had yet. I felt like I exercised every nook and cranny!

Channel 13 will be shooting me either Monday or Wednesday working out. The focus will probably be on the weightlifting this time and how important weight training is for weight loss. Not only does it firm you up, but the more muscle mass you have, the more your metabolism increases. I love weight lifting. I always have. I wish I'd have never let my lifting lapse in my early 20's and on.

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