Monday, July 7, 2008

Today's workout....

Back at it today since the gym was closed Friday for the holiday. My trainer was back from vacation and was very pleased to learn of my 3 pound weightloss last week.

I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night due to my roommate accidentally ringing the doorbell on his way into the house at 2am. He then talked on his cell phone for a while in his room (we share a wall and I could hear every word). I tossed and turned for another 3 hours or so, but never fell asleep. But to my credit, I went to the gym anyway. It totally is a lifestyle change for me. Even from when I started working out a few months ago, I'd have used it as an excuse to not work out. I NEED the workouts now.

I warmed up w/ a 2 minute walk. Then I jogged 7 minutes then walked 1 then jogged 6 and walked 1, then jogged 5 and walked 1, then jogged 4 and walked 1, then jogged 3 and walked 1, then 2 and walked 1. After that, I think I walked another 5 or so minutes to cool down. All said and done, I jogged about 27 minutes and walked about 11 or so. Good workout.
From there, I hit the weights and abs as usual.

My trainer will be gone on Wednesday and I may not be there Friday when she gets back as I might spend the morning in line buying the new iPhone if I sell mine on eBay first. :)

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