Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Today's workout....

So before class today I did a 2 minute warm-up walk then jogged for 10 minutes then cooled down with a 2 minute walk.
Normally in Tuesday's class, we just do step (I don't mean 'JUST' as in it's not a good workout, because it's a great workout). Today we did a bit of step to warm up. We then did like 1 minute drills w/ our steps going as fast as we could. For instance, we would jog up then down up then down up then down onto our steps for a minute then pick up our dumbbells and do some weight training stuff. We'd then switch to another drill going as fast as we could then another weight thing. Man. Kicked my ass. I love Tuesday/Thursday classes with Abby, because I know they're going to be great workouts!
After class I did about a 4 minute cool-down walk.

This one lady in our class says to me today, "Trying a new hairstyle today?" I looked at her and said, "Huh??" and she repeated herself. I said, "Um, no. My hair has been like this for years now." Anybody who knows me knows my hair is pretty much always like this.
Who knows. Heh.

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